Mikey Jackson. Writer - scriptwriter - novelist. British writer of novels, TV scripts, film screenplays, radio scripts, stage plays, short stories and comedy sketches.
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My radio scripts...

Production companies or agents interested in my work can email me

#justsaying (One-off radio drama)
After being humiliated in front of the entire school by Aimee, the most popular girl in her year, Mallory devises a plan to get her revenge by posting a false and vicious rumour about Aimee on social media. When the rumour goes viral, lives are ruined and reputations are trashed. And then events take a shocking turn when Aimee commits suicide, sending Mallory and everybody around her into a downward spiral of chaos.
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The Bigger Sleep (Short radio comedy)
Dave is in a coma, but his mind is very much open to the world going on around him. Between visits from his annoying mother and disturbances from the hospital cleaner and her 1000 decibel vacuum, he attempts to solve the mystery of how he came to be there.
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My produced radio scripts...

Existence - Part 1 (Radio comedy)
A surreal radio comedy about Tony Baloney, a lazy slacker pursued by Twoog of the Ethereal Collection Agency who wants to delete his very existence and replace him with a different Tony Baloney who could make something of his life.
Starring Dave Wong, Michael Wong, Gareth Evans and Jessica Wong.
Produced by Sen Creations.

Existence - Part 2 (Radio comedy)
Concluding episode of Existence, the surreal two-part radio comedy.
Will Tony be able to convince Twoog of the Ethereal Collection Agency that his life isn't so pointless after all?
Starring Dave Wong, Michael Wong, Gareth Evans and Jessica Wong.
Produced by Sen Creations.