Mikey Jackson. Writer - scriptwriter - novelist. British writer of novels, TV scripts, film screenplays, radio scripts, stage plays, short stories and comedy sketches.
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My film screenplays...

Production companies or agents interested in my work can email me to request a complete script.

Chat (Feature screenplay, romantic comedy)
Set in the year 2000, two shy 20-somethings meet in a text-based internet chatroom. Scared of rejection, they swap photos not of themselves but of their better looking best friends. Then there's a chance to meet, but how do they get out of the problem that they're both not who they say they are? Simple! They tell their friends they've got to pretend to be them. What could possibly go wrong?
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Food Chain (Feature screenplay, social issue drama)
Drama about a girl at the bottom of the food chain in a city that doesn't care. Nineteen-year-old Alyssa meets Josh, a late-night cafe worker. They both instantly hit it off. A relationship could be on the cards. Such a pity she's keeping two secrets from him. One: She has a fatherless baby. Two: Crippling debt has forced her to freelance as a street sex worker.
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